This page is Underconstuction and it is going to be a Pagan/Wicca site
Now, let me say that I am not anti-Christian. I was raised Christian and my mother is still very much a Christian. I think that many of the ideals behind Christianity are wonderful and some of the nicest, most open-minded people I have ever meet were Christian. However, for me, Christianity as it is generally practiced is too sexist, homophobic, and racist, among other things. Christianity has been used as a justification for almost every kind of hate that you can think of. Many Christians also blur the line between religion and politics. We have a seperation of church and state and laws are meant to be based solely on legal matters and NOT personal religious beliefs. Unfortunately, we have many Christian leaders who feel that we do live in a Christian country (no matter what the Constitution says) and that all laws should be based solely upon their religious beliefs rather that what is right in the eyes of the law. It may sound harsh, but that is how it is meant to be. When we make laws based on religious beliefs we cease to be a democratic state and become a religously ruled dictatorship. It also leaves a bad taste in my mouth when people, as many Christians from many paths do, believe that their religion is the only right religion and that all other people are going to hell because they do not believe the same things. That is a pretty pompous attitude.